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ACT Beyond Basics: Elevating Your Practice with Self-as-Context Interventions and Case Conceptualizations

Registration Now Open | 3 CEs APPROVED

Abstract: Many clients come to therapy because they are struggling with issues about their sense of self such as low self-esteem, negative self-talk, and difficulty practicing self-compassion.. From a psychological flexibility perspective informed by key insights from Relational Frame Theory (RFT), inflexible “selfing” is a core feature of these issues. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)  is well-suited to help clients to discover new and more workable ways to relate to themselves. Unfortunately, many ACT therapists tend to shy away from self-as-context interventions because they can seem mysterious, theoretical, or confusing. 

This will be an intermediate/advanced workshop for intermediate/advanced ACT practitioners. The foci of this highly experiential training opportunity will be to demystify self-work in ACT by presenting practical, RFT-informed strategies to conceptualize issues related to the self and to invite clients to experiment with more effective ways to “self.”

March 7

ACT-Based Supervision (3 CEs)